New Samsung PC Studio not working in windows 8 [solved] 2014

Compatibility and error issue New Samsung PC Studio not working in windows 8 [fixed]
New Samsung PC Studio not running in windows 8?

My New Samsung PC Studio was not working in windows 8 but it was working fine in windows 7.Every time the program got crashed .Here is a fix to this problem.

Installing Samsung PC Studio in windows 8

skip this if Samsung PC Studio is already installed in windows 8.

  • open setup New_PC_Studio_1.5.1.10064_2.exe in troubleshoot compatibility mode.
  • Choose  troubleshoot program .
  • Select (The program worked in earlier version of Windows but won't install or run now)
  • next
  • select Windows7, proceed to ' test the program'.
  • Complete the installation.
  • Now after New Samsung PC Studio installation is complete ,try Opening it.The program will crash.

 Tutorial how to fix New Samsung PC Studio error or compatibility in windows 8

  • Download windows 8 ownership registry: link
  • Opne the zip file and run the  InstallTakeownership.reg

  • Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed
  • You will find a folder name   Flash. Do a right click and take the Ownership.

  • Download Flash32_11_9_900_170.EXE  and rename to Flash.ocx.
  • Now open the folder name Flash  and replace the the file Flash.ocx.
  • Now close all open windows and try to run New Samsung PC Studio from desktop shortcut.
  • New Samsung PC Studio will successfully run without crashing.

Fully tested and 100% working.

IF this Tutorial was helpful comment below, thanks for visiting.

Tags:Not able to install Samsung new pc studio in windows 8, Unable to run NPS for Samsung on Windows 8? ,How Do I Set Up Samsung PC Suite for Windows 8?,samsung new pc studio 15.0.0591 does not work with win 8.

Vishal Mahato

Vishal Kumar is 21,young blogger and designer with strong passion.He usually hangs out in twitter tweeting his blog post realted links. If you use Facebook actively he can be great friend there and don't forget add to Google+ too.If you have any question feel free to write and him to Gtalk. It is beautiful way to get contact directly!


Vijay Madhavan said...

the link to the flash software is not working . Please update it.

Vishal Mahato said...

the link has been updated.

Tim said...

I have spent the last four hours searching for how to make this work. I don't know how you stumbled across this solution, but thank you!

My wife had pictures on her old phone from years ago when our niece was only a few months old and we had no way of retrieving them.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

thank you very very much
without u it was not possible......

Whatsupmunich said...

u r awesome thanks for that dudeeeeeeeeeee its working found soln after 1 year

Chester Droors said...

Been fighting installation of the PC studio for months. HP Pavilion win 8.1. Very helpful instructions. My first attempt to install resulted in freezing. The second attempt was shocking. It installed with no issues. I did not have to copy and replace any files. I used and searched for the exact PC studio referenced above Maybe that was it. Was fully prepared to delete and replace files but didn't have to. After searching for hours I found this site. Very awesome post.

Unknown said...

het hele proces doorlopen - bij C:\windows\syswow64\macromed , ben via systeem via sys32 direct naar macromed gegaan en daar het flah bestand vervangen door het nieuwe en het werkt. NPS start gewoon op. alleen herkent hij wel het toestel maar zegt dat het een niet geregistreed toestel is en kan net zoals bij Kies mijn contacten en berichten niet zien ra, ra

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks a million. It worked like magic. New Samsung PC Studio did not crash again

download said...

download the latest version here

Pyar Dular said...

I thank you very much for the solution. NPS is working now.

soupy said...

I get the error (0xc0150002) with the version (ver. of the software. However, I am running Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit. I don't know what to do since people here are running Win8. The above solution didn't work.

Vishal Mahato said...

I also did not used it in windows 8 , but for me the above procedure worked on Windows 7