Easily convert word,powerpoint,txt,xcel,access,xps and other documents to pdf

How to convert any files  to pdf:

now no need to download any buggy software or other tools to convert your files and documents to pdf. It is really easy to convert file without limits to pdf. To convert file you  must have a google account(Gmail id).

Follow the below steps to convert your file online:

Go to Google Drive
login using your Gmail account.
After successful login  click on upload file.

After the upload is complete click on the setting and click all the option and make sure that conversion option is on as shown below:
Now click on the uploaded file to open it.  file will open up in  a new tab it may take time to open depending upon your internet speed.

click on "File" and then "Download As"

 download it according to your form needed as pdf,docx,rtf,txt etc..

Enjoy file conversion with Google Drive !!

Vishal Mahato

Vishal Kumar is 21,young blogger and designer with strong passion.He usually hangs out in twitter tweeting his blog post realted links. If you use Facebook actively he can be great friend there and don't forget add to Google+ too.If you have any question feel free to write and him to Gtalk. It is beautiful way to get contact directly!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tutorial...i appreciate your work.!!
i already bookmarked your blog.

Unknown said...

i dont have the settings part in my uploaded file. http://gyazo.com/023af1b93fd83d7f30f9d040b796138c